Can You Vape CBD? How CBD is Joining the Vaping World

By Shelley Jeffries
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Can You Vape CBD? How CBD is Joining the Vaping World

For the perhaps six people who have never heard of CBD or the cannabis battle raging in this country, it would be beneficial to know what CBD is before buying. Nature’s Arc Organics is an expert in this area.

Since marijuana has been legalized in several states, cannabis products have exploded. The marijuana battle extended itself to cannabis products like gummies and now vaping. What is CBD, and what’s all the fuss about?

What is CBD?

CBD is the essential oil extracted from the cannabis sativa plant. It has no THC to get anyone high. The oil is extracted using natural methods, either with oils or CO2. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the body by working with receptors in the body (CB2) and the brain (CB1.)

There are dozens of different types of CBD applications available today, like topical pain creams, face creams, body wash, shampoo, edibles, oils, and more.

It’s beneficial for pain relief, helps control anxiety, enhances sleep, and even helps people lose weight. Here’s what all the fuss is about.


Can You Vape CBD?

Yes, but you have to have special custom CBD oil made for vaping. Ordinary CBD oil is thick and viscous. Think molasses. Try vaping that, and it won’t even get through the pen.

CBD vape oil has been specially thinned out to make its way through the pen. The liquid is heated inside the pen which releases vapor. You inhale this vapor. The CBD enters the lungs, where it makes its way to the brain receptors. Now the CBD can do its thing wherever it’s needed in the body.

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The Vaping Fuss

It wouldn’t be right to tell you about vaping CBD if we didn’t tell you about the flavors and the fuss surrounding them.

There are those who don’t want anyone smoking anything. They screamed until laws were made restricting smokers to the outside of buildings at least 50 feet away from doors and windows. Smokers were forced outside in all weathers to do their dastardly deed.

Then someone came up with the idea to inhale vapor. The goal was to turn the nicotine in cigarettes into vapor that wouldn’t harm the lungs or anyone close to the person vaping. They thought this wouldn’t send the screamers over the edge.

Matt using Vape Pen

Wrong. The screamers then took up the battle to keep youngsters from vaping, since the laws prevented them from buying cigarettes. They zeroed in on the flavors since flavors like bubble gum, vanilla, chocolate, and liquor flavors drew kids like moths to a light.

Therein lies the rub. The flavorings in vape oils contain vegetable glycerine and flavoring aldehydes found in the baking, food, and flavoring industries. Think chewing gum, cherry Coke, and bakery goods. Even when these things are turned into vapor, they don’t harm the body.

The fuss in Washington, D. C. is about the flavorings President Trump wants to ban. The screamers want only nicotine and no flavors in vaping pens.

How CBD is Joining the Vaping World

Now that you’re aware of the kind of CBD oil used in vaping pens and the battle over the flavoring, it’s time to examine how CBD is taking the vaping world by storm.

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CBD aficionados use the many applications in which the oil comes, but they were waiting breathlessly, please pardon the pun, for CBD to hit the vaping world.

When science can find nothing bad about the subject, it’s a pretty good bet CBD oil used in vaping pens won’t hurt anyone. It’s especially true when you consider how many people since the dawn of time have smoked its THC containing cousin. They showed no adverse consequences, save the munchies and the giggles. Vaping, therefore, is safe, says science.

Despite all the imagery conveying the coolness of smoking cigarettes (remember the Marlboro Man?) cigarettes do contain harmful chemicals and substances. Sure, nicotine isn’t the best thing in the world for your health, but it’s the rest of the chemicals and substances that cause the trouble.

CBD is all-natural. No chemicals are involved. The damages done by cigarettes won’t be found here. Leaving vaping teens and flavorings aside, vaping CBD is a cleaner, saner way of relieving anxiety and pain than other medical and/or chemical methods of such relief.


Final Thoughts

Vaping has taken the world by storm as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking. Vape juice, and by extension CBD vaping oil, contains no harmful chemicals. It contains only food-grade ingredients in its flavors. Science has found no problem with CBD vaping oils or flavors. When Yale Medicine tells you vaping is safe, then you can head right to your nearest retailer of Nature’s Arc Organics and stock up.

Those drinking cherry Coke or eating pastries from the bakery containing the same ingredients found in vaping oils and juices aren’t doing anything you’re not doing. Everyone is safe, so vape your CBD with confidence.

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Shelley Jeffries

Shelley Jeffries

Shelley Jeffries is an avid outdoor enthusiast and loves putting together natural health-oriented content for Nature's Arc Organics.

1 thought on “Can You Vape CBD? How CBD is Joining the Vaping World”

  1. This was an informative article on vaping CBD.
    We have all recently learned that it was Vitamin E acetate that was being used in the illicit cartridges that was causing the lung damage.

    It’s prudent to add that CBD users also can choose to vaporize hemp flower or even a super low THC/high CBD cannabis strain (with a dry herb vaporizer), thereby avoiding any oil-filled cartridges.


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