CBD Oil Against Pain

By Nexi Miller
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CBD Oil Against Pain

Hemp is a versatile plant around which many legends entwine. The strong fibres are used for the production of textiles and paper. And valuable ingredients from seeds, leaves and flowers are used in medical indications or in the kitchen as superfood!

History of Hemp

The first traces of the use of this oldest cultivated plant in the world can already be found in China in 10,000 BC. From 3500 B.C., hemp plants were even used in present-day Bavaria and Thuringia.

The hemp cultivation spread in the following years over whole Europe, partly even taxes could be paid with hemp plants. It is also interesting that 1455 Gutenberg printed a Bible on hemp paper. In addition, hemp was used as a means of payment in North America from the 17th century to the early 19th century.

With time, hemp plants were increasingly pushed back due to industrialization, the decline of sailing shipping and the discovery of petroleum as lamp oil.

Nevertheless, reports about the healing powers of plants remain in the tradition of natural medicine. Thanks to a great change in mentality, more and more arable land has been used for hemp cultivation in Europe since 2006.

In the realm of harnessing hemp’s potential, one prominent player in the market is Zilis Ultra Cell Hemp CBD Oil. Amidst the long legacy of hemp, brands like Zilis have stepped forward to offer modern interpretations of the plant’s benefits. From the seeds to the leaves and flowers, Zilis encapsulates the essence of hemp’s healing properties, furthering its integration into contemporary wellness practices.

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CBD oil


One of the main active ingredients of hemp plants is CBD, cannabidiol. While THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is contained in drug hemp (cannabis) varieties, CBD is usually obtained from fibre hemp (industrial hemp) by CO2 extraction.

The purchase of hemp-derived CBD oil in the United Staes is legal as it has no psychoactive, noise generating effect. In 2018, CBD was classified as safe for health by the WHO (World Health Organization) says Pharm Organics.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

Cannabidiol interacts with CB receptors in the body, inhibits appetite and lowers heart rate. Due to its antioxidant action, CBD binds free radicals and inhibits inflammation.

It also increases the production of adenosine so that more energy is available to the mitochondria.

How Quickly Can an Effect Be Felt?

When cannabidiol in the form of a liquid is used in an e-cigarette, the analgesic and relaxing effect starts immediately with the inhalation of the vapour.

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Absorbed as a drop through the oral mucosa, CBD oil works within 15 minutes.

If the active ingredient is administered in capsules or via tea, it must first enter the bloodstream via digestion. The effect varies from 30 minutes to two hours. Mixed into an ointment, CBD takes about one hour to absorb.

CBD Oil Against Pain

Cannabidiol occupies the vanilloid receptors, which are located in large numbers in the free nerve endings. By inhibition of the TRP channels (transient receptor potential channels) the pain trajectory cannot build up. Therefore, there is no transmission of stimuli to the pain centre in the brain. CBD oil for pain thus starts directly at the basis of the pain.

Things to Know About PMTA Deadline

Cannabidiol can be used for chronic joint pain, migraine and menstrual pain. It is advantageous that there are no dependencies or strong side effects when using CBD oil against pain.

Experience Reports

CBD oil is a good alternative to conventional pain medication. Experience reports point out the relaxing and balancing effect of cannabidiol. It restores the balance of the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline.

In addition, it reduces permanent stress, relieves chronic headaches by reducing muscle tension and lowers the increased stimulation of the neurons.


For chronic pain management, the usage of 15 % to 20 % CBD oil is recommended. The initial dose is three drops (45 – 60 mg CBD) three times a day. In the case of pain caused by cancer or other life-threatening diseases, the maximum dose is 800 mg CBD per day.

If the desired effect has not yet been achieved, the minimum dose can then be slowly increased further.

CBD oil against pain

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil for Pain?

If you buy CBD oil for pain in the United States, you don’t need a prescription. You can buy natural extract premium CBD oils in various concentrations on the Internet.

Nexi Miller

Nexi Miller

I am passionate about vaporizers, vaping lifestyle and travelling. Always up for a good laugh and aiming to look at things from their fun and bright side. Let's Share The Vaping Love Together :)

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