Using a Bubbler With a Vaporizer Can Improve Your Vaping Experience

By Samantha Eden
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Using a Bubbler With a Vaporizer Can Improve Your Vaping Experience

What Is a Vape Bubbler?

A bubbler is a device in which air, smoke, gas, or vapor is bubbled through a liquid, usually water. These devices are most commonly made out of glass.

This attachment is normally referred to as a Bubbler and can almost always be found with other vaping accessories and can be used for both pen vaporizers and desktop vaporizers (there may be different attachments for both).

Vaporizer Bubblers and Herbs

Benefits of Vaping Through Water

Even though vaporization on its own is a safe, non-toxic alternative to smoking and you do not need accessories like a Bubbler… some vapers actually prefer the cool, crisp refreshment of vaping with water.

FocusVape Pro Water Bubbler

Dry herb vaporizers can for some people cause irritation to the throat when used on a daily basis or when unwell, so they cannot handle the dry throat hits of vapes.

Vaporizing with a bubbler reduces both heat and dryness of vapor while creating a larger throat hit.

Think of the water acting as a conditioner for the vapor.

Why use a Bubbler?

If you are not using one purely for the enjoyment of the soothing vapor, these accessories are popular for when you are unwell.

It won’t only make vaping easier when you have a cold or sore throat, but it may help relieve some of the most painful side effects.

Best Dry Herbs To Vape With a Bubbler During a Cold


  • Medical cannabis to support your endocannabinoid system
  • Sage for severely sore throats & inflammation
  • Peppermint for ease of intense coughs
  • Spearmint for bronchitis or asthma
  • Thyme for chest colds (helps break-up blockage)
  • Eucalyptus for cough suppression and aids in discomfort, especially when sleeping.
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For example, using the Aqua Bubbler Mini attachment for the CloudV Phantom Mini vapers can assist their dry herb vaping process by alleviating cool water, the perfect vaping accessory.

Does Water Affect The Medicinal Properties of the Dry Herbs?

Based on the limited studies we have on medicinal plant properties and water such as “Pressurized hot water extraction of bioactive or marker compounds in botanicals and medicinal plant materials” we can safely assume that given the small, limited timeframe of vapor to water interaction it is not sufficient enough time to lose any medicinal properties.

Cloud Phantom Aqua Bubbler Product Spotlight

At VapeFuse we have a couple Bubblers to go with some of our vapes. The Cloud Phantom Aqua Bubbler is one of them and it’s a no-spill bubbler that attaches to the CloudV Phantom Pen.

CloudV Phantom Water Bubbler

How to Use Aqua Bubbler

  • Detach the bubbler from the atomizer
  • Turn around the bubbler (bottom-up) & fill with water
  • Immediately turn right-side-up and draw (inhale) from the mouthpiece
    (This creates a vacuum suction so no waterfalls from bottom or the top)
  • Attach to the atomizer and then the battery
  • Enjoy!

CloudV Phantom Premium Vaporizer with Water Bubbler

How To Change The Water In The Aqua Bubbler

  • Remove from atomizer
  • Blow into mouthpiece and water will fall out
  • Be sure to do this over a sink or bowl

You can find more information here about how to fill your water bubbler and here is a step by step guide on how to clean your bubbler.

Vaporizers with Built-in Water Bubbler

Vaping through water is so popular these days that some vapes are designed and built with a bubbler. The first notable attempt was the Adventurer by iFocus, however, it, unfortunately, didn’t work very well. The glass water container seemed to be too small to function properly.

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The ultimate water bubbler vaporizer was dreamed up by Cloudious9. They designed and built the Hydrology9 portable vaporizer. It is literally a vaporizer built into a nice glass piece.

Hydrology9 Vaporizer in use

The Hydrology9 provides an outstanding vaping experience. On the other hand, it is always on, so you don’t have the option of vaping without the water.

Vapers Best Little Buddy

Whether it is for sickness or just the pleasure of large, cold throat hit vapers across the world are experiencing the joys of glass attachments. It is no wonder bubblers are rising in popularity among vape accessories.

CloudV Bubbler Banner


Samantha Eden

Samantha Eden

Samantha Eden is a journalists who specializes in alternative medicine, medical cannabis, and holistic beauty.

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