No More Waste – Ways to Re-Use Your Vaporized Dry Herbs

One of the most frequently received questions from you guys, members of our VapeFuse Community is: ‘So what should I ......

Vaporizing is gaining popularity due to its convenience and effectiveness. On top of that, more and more doctors around the ......

Some of you may be more than content to stick with the same vape pen for years, waiting until it’s ......

For beginners, the world of dry herb vaporizing never runs out of advanced components accompanying vaporizers. If you have been ......

There are many reasons why you’d want a small portable vaporizer. For me, it is mostly to be able to ......

Reaching that point, where you have to choose between your well-loved traditional habit of smoking and the healthier alternative of ......

As the wind of change blows smokers into vapers, new converts tend to choose inexpensive starter units just to get ......

Some of the most well-known vaporizers in the market today are the Canadian made Arizer vapes. The V-Tower, which is ......

CloudV vaporizer pens are known for their great quality. Since I’ve been with VapeFuse, I’ve had the opportunity to try ......

The FocusVape Adventurer is the first portable vaporizer to feature a built-in water bubbler. I thought that sounded pretty good ......

Table of Content Airflow Convection Mouthpiece Aqua Bubbler Desktop Vaporizer Portable Vaporizer Borosilicate Glass Dosing Capsule Rechargeable Battery Balloon Dry ......

The Crave Air is a new portable herbal vaporizer out of Melbourne, Australia. I got hold of one a couple ......

Table of Content Size of the Chamber Type of Material Airflow Heating Technology Arizer Air and Arizer Solo Portable Vaporizers ......

The CloudV portable vaporizer range represents a list of quality pen style vaporizers. CloudV is often referred to as the ......