Can You Vaporize Kratom? Is it Safe to Vape?

By Subhankar
Last Updated on

Can You Vaporize Kratom? Is it Safe to Vape?

While directly ingesting Kratom is the most common and easiest way to consume it, many users want to know if they can vaporize Kratom.

Vaporizing? Yes, one of the trendiest and most popular application methods for herbs such as cannabis is vaporizing these days. The question is, can you utilize this new trendy technology with Kratom?

Can You Vaporize Kratom?

Before we get into it, we have to mention that you should always apply caution when using Kratom as it a substance that can be addictive.

Vaping is the term used for ingesting different substances using a herbal vaporizer or electronic cigarette.

Unlike a traditional cigarette where the product is rolled into the cigarette and smoked, a vaporizer only heats the material to below combustion and produces vapor instead of smoke.

There are vaporizers that work with dry herbs and there are other ones that work with liquids, such as simple e-cigarettes. We’ll have a look at both methods and find out if you can vaporize Kratom in any way.

Man holding a vaporizer

Vaporizing Kratom with a Herbal Vaporizer

Herbal Vaporizers have been around for over 20 years and they have revolutionized medical cannabis application by providing a quick and efficient method to apply herbal medicine without inhaling the nasties that are associated with burning.

Vaporizers heat the herbs to a set temperature, usually around 200° Celsius, (approximately 400° Fahrenheit) and you inhale the vapor or in other words, the steam that is generated at that temperature.

Herbal vaporizers can vaporize Kratom just like any other herbs. Kratom leaf or extract powder can be vaporized with a herbal vaporizer at the temperature range of 175°C to 200°C (347°F to 392°F).

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Vaping Kratom is said to result in a slightly different effect to eating or drinking it.  The effect from vaporizing seems to be more centered in the head while drinking it provides a more dominant effect in the body.

You will ideally need a desktop vaporizer with a larger herb chamber so you can load up enough kratom in there to ensure the desired effect.

Vaporizing Kratom with a Liquid Vaporizer or E-cigarette

It is possible to vaporize Kratom with liquid vaporizes as well.

Liquid vaporizers work by converting liquid into vapor simply via heating. It is a lot simpler process than herbal vaping and it has risen to popularity recently due to its lesser health concern brought by a cigarette and its versatility in using different flavorings.

The process of vaping Kratom with a liquid vape involves converting the Kratom extract into a liquid substance that is compatible with an electronic cigarette. Other substances may be added to for additional taste and longevity.

The liquid substance will be loaded into the machine and then turned into vapor before it gets inhaled by the user.

Turning Kratom into a liquid that can be used in a liquid vaporizer is a little more involved process than simply vaping Kratom in a herbal vape.

Using Kratom, a psychoactive organic drug with a vape has its concerns: is it effective as ingesting it directly? Is it affordable? And most importantly, is it safe?

Safety in Vaping Kratom

When vaping Kratom with a herbal vaporizer, try initially with a small amount and increase it as you go along to ensure you are fine with the effects.

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Just like cannabis or mango, any organic substance can be converted into a vape juice. To ensure its safety, it is best you buy a Kratom vape juice from a reputable seller or from the best kratom vendors available in the market.

There is also the concern with the vape or the electronic cigarette itself. There have been cases of machine malfunctioning. However, this is mostly caused by incompatibility with the internal parts and inexperience from the user.

So, can you vape Kratom? Yes. But is it the right method for you?

Let’s dig deeper and find out.

Can you vaporize Kratom?

Vaping vs Ingesting and Other Methods

The reason why smoking Kratom (grinding up the dried leaves and rolling it up into a paper) never gained popularity as opposed to other methods is because of two things: it is resource- and time-consuming.

Other methods like drinking it in a tea, or putting it into a capsule may be a better fit for you if you are after the relieving effect of Kratom.

Advantages in vaping Kratom are the following:

  • The effect will be immediately noticeable since it will quickly hit the lungs and circulate to the brain unlike ingesting it which requires the Kratom to be digested first
  • It is more fun than just having a tea
  • It is a totally different experience

On the contrary, it can help in assisting you in quitting smoking cigarette It is more beginner-friendly since the strong and earthy taste of Kratom will be more subdued since it underwent conversion to liquid and then gas.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in vaping Kratom which are the following:

  • Vaporizing kratom may reduce its potency and it is often mixed with other substances
  • Creating liquid for vaping can be pricey and can only be done by experts with proper equipment
  • Other establishments ban smoking and vaping so your consumption of Kratom may be restricted in some places
  • There are few (and fewer reputable) shops selling Kratom vape juice
  • Heat can destroy its alkaloidal properties therefore also reducing its potency
  • A higher amount of Kratom will be needed so you will spend more
  • It can leave an undesired taste in your vape
  • Kratom tar (the burnt residue) can be left on your teeth or lungs and can cause potential damage in the future
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The way you consume Kratom is totally up to you. However, the main disadvantage is the effect of Kratom will be weaker compared to other direct ingestion methods.  The perfect way to use it can be provided by Kratom Crazy.

Vaporizing Kratom seems to result in a slightly different effect than drinking it as we discussed above and some users enjoy combining the two. It may not have to be one or the other, but perhaps Kratom can be enjoyed as a drink as well as in vapor form.

If you are totally decided to use Kratom via vaping, there is no problem! There are no grave safety concerns in vaping it as long as you know what you are doing. We also have to mention that there is still minimal research and even anecdotal experiences regarding the consumption of Kratom via vaping.

At the end of the day, the goal of Kratom is to make you relaxed and relieved.



A fitness lover and a blogger by profession, Subhankar also love to ride bikes in his free time. Staying fit and writing blogs are two things he swears by.

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