Secrets to Vaporizing with a Bubbler – Does Water Quality Matter?

By Chris
Last Updated on

Secrets to Vaporizing with a Bubbler – Does Water Quality Matter?

So you are finally over with smoking and now vaping is your new puff avenue! Congratulations, you are truly on your way to a healthier you and I bet, your loved ones are very happy for you and your lungs too.

But wait… you may not look like you’re too happy with your new habit? Let’s see, do you find dry herb vaping too dry and irritates your throat during most of your session? If you feel that way, then maybe it’s time for you to look into getting a glass attachment or an aqua bubbler.

What Is Water Bubbler?

As the name suggests, Water Bubbler is a water tool for a vaporizer. It is usually made of glass and is filled with water when being used and put on top of the vaporizer’s chamber. It works like a water filter for the vapor as it passes through when you take a draw. This process conditions the vapor and makes it smoother and cooler with the added moisture.

FocusVape Pro Portable Vaporizer with Bubbler

So, if you are sensitive or when you are unwell, having a water bubbler with your vaporizer makes vaping more soothing and truly relaxing. But not all vaporizer comes with its own Bubbler, so if you want to know which ones come with it, read on…

Vaporizers with Bubblers and Water Attachments

With the advancement in technology and innovative minds of vape makers, nowadays more and more vaporizers come with a water attachment like water bubbler or a basic glass attachment, and these are available as accessories, that can be purchased among your portable or desktop vapes.

Depending on the model, the water attachments come with an affordable price tag, but the vaping experience you get with using them is just phenomenal and incomparable.

So here are the vapes with glass and water attachments that are available at VapeFuse:

The Vapir Prima portable vaporizer is a funky looking, discreet vape that comes with a stainless steel heating path and depending on the temperature that you are using your vape with, the mouthpiece and the vapor can get pretty hot.

You won’t really burn yourself, but well, it can be a bit uncomfortable for your lips for sure. The great thing about the Vapir Prima is that it can be upgraded with a Glass Water Bubbler.

So if you are after a crispy and smooth vaping experience, you may want to get one for your Prima, or if you are just about to buy your portable, to save up on shipping you might want to get the glass filtration with the Prima at the same time. Keep your eyes open though, as you may come across with a great deal like a bundle package.

The Benefits of Digital Vaporizers Over Analog Vapes
FocusVape, CloudV Premium and Prima with BubblersPortable Vaporizers with Bubble Accessories

If you are after a less expensive and even more discreet range, then I would recommend for you to check out the CloudV Phantom Mini and CloudV Phantom Premium vape pens. Just like with the Vapir Prima, VapeFuse has great vape deals all year round, and you can get freebies with your CloudV, and upgrade it with an aqua bubbler for just a few extra bucks.

With the CloudV product range, there are two glass attachments available for both the Phantom Mini and Phantom Premium portable vaporizers.

One is the Glass Globe, which is basically a mouthpiece extension and you just use it instead of the plastic mouthpiece. Using the Globe makes the cooling patch a bit longer, so it helps you to inhale less hot vapor, and not to mention it looks pretty cool seeing the vapor swirling in the globe.

Please note here, the visibility of the vapor depends on many aspects, check out our recently published article and learn more why you are or are not getting visible vapor at all…

Phantom Premium with Glass GlobeCloudV Phantom Premium with Glass Globe Attachment

The second type of glass attachment is an Aqua Bubbler, also available for both the Mini and Phantom Premium. Please be mindful that these accessories are fragile, so don’t play with them, and be extra careful when handling them. But one thing is for sure, your lungs will love these beautiful glass pieces. Click here and learn more about the CloudV Aqua Bubblers.

CloudV Phantom Mini with Aqua Bubbler

Now, that’s not it, I’ve got more good news especially for those who love digital, discreet vapes, decent vapor and the bubbling feeling. The FocusVape Premium PRO comes in a bundle with the Bubbler. It is very much easy to set up the vape with the glass attachment and use it.

FocusVape Premium PRO with Bubbler

But you may wonder: “How should I clean it?” As you know, aqua bubblers are fragile, as they are made of glass, and you inhale water through the glass. So when you decide to clean your vape’s bits and pieces including the bubbler, make sure you do not use any chemicals … And to make your life easier… check out our step by step guide on how to clean the bubbler.

Does Airflow Matter? Vapes with the Best Airflow System

Oh, and by the way, there’s a new vape in town that comes with an in-built water filtration, the FocusVape Adventurer. There’s never been a more discreet vaporizer with a bubbler than this one. It is very easy to setup. You just remove the bottom cap, fill the filtration up with filtered water and then enjoy vaping.

This integrated bubbler in the Adventurer provides fewer chances of breaking the glass, easy to store and it also comes with this cool green light. Cool gadget indeed!

FocusVape Adventurer With Bubbler

Those are just some of the portable vapes that come with water bubbler. Now, you wonder, how about desktop vaporizers? Are there water tools that can be used with these powerful big devices? Indeed, there are.

Water filtration tools are available out there for the VapirRise2.0 Ultimate by Vapir, and the Arizer vaporizers too. And also worth mentioning here the VapeXhale ECO desktop vaporizers. Those guys took vaporizing with a glass attachment to the next level…

VapirRise2.0 Ultimate with Water Attachment

So have you made up your mind yet? Ooops, but before you finally decide, did you know that you can further enhance your vaping experience with your Aqua Bubbler when you use the right kind of water?

A basic filtered water may sound good enough (which is what I also thought) but after asking our water expert friends from My Water Filter, I came to a conclusion that more than just ordinary filtered water.

Want to learn more? Here’s an excerpt from our conversation:

…So, Why is It Important To Use Good Quality Filtered Water?

Water out of the tap will normally contain many contaminants that are not healthy for you. Some water samples from water sources around Australia have hundreds of different chemicals and contaminants within the water.

It just is not in your best interests to continually consume these chemicals and contaminants via drinking water.

Gravity Fed Ceramic Stoneware Water Filter

The human body is an amazing machine that cleanses itself. The issue we all face is that we are drinking chemicals in our water, we are eating chemicals in our food and we are breathing in, even more, chemicals with the air we breathe.

It is vitally important for the best health that we break this triangle cycle. Just by filtering out the chemicals from your water. Then consuming lots of clean filtered water every day your body can then use that filtered water to clean your system and give you the best chance at a long healthy life.

The Differences Between Vape Pens & Portable Vaporizers

What’s The Difference Between Filtered Water and Grander Water?

When the water board treats the water they supply to our homes, they add copious amounts of chemicals and contaminants.

When they do that, oxygen dissipates out of the water and the molecules lock up together, it is called clustering. That water is then pumped all the way to your home. Been pumped miles through a straight water pipe, that water is basically dead on arrival at your home.

Then you fill your glass with water from your tap and what you have is a glass of water, lacking oxygen, full of chemicals and the molecular structure is all tangled up together trapping contamination inside the locked up molecules.Benchtop Gravity Water Filter

When you drink this chemical water, your body can’t absorb it properly as the water molecule clusters are too large for the cells to absorb. So a lot of people are dehydrated a lot of the time.

At this point, you can filter your water which we strongly advise, but the water really requires more than just filtration.

The water requires a new lease of life, welcome to revitalizing and restructuring of your water using the amazing Grander Board. When you use the Grander Board the board sends a signal to your water placed on the board, that signal is a frequency, a vibration.

Grander Revitalising Board

So the vibration opens up the molecular structure of the water allowing trapped contamination to dissipate out, while oxygen is allowed into the water.

Now biologics are working and the water cleanses itself as nature intended, creating restructured and revitalized water.

What to Look For in a Water Filter?

The most important part of purchasing a water filter is to know that water filter is going to do what you require it to do. There is really only one way to be sure about this and that is to only purchase water filters that have been independently tested by a credible third party testing organization.

Firstly, ensure the water filter is made by a quality supplier and the housing is of a good quality. Then, ask for the test results, ensure the water filter is tested to remove the contaminants you require to have removed from your water supply.

Which Ones are The Most Affordable Water Filters at My Water Filter?

There is a massive range of water filters at My Water Filter available for purchase 24/7.

PUFFiT X Portable Vaporizer User's Review

Starting with simple water bottles and jugs, to bench top systems which are stand alone gravity filters or continuous flowing filters that connect onto your kitchen tap spout, all for under the $100 mark delivered to your home.

Gravity Fed Ceramic Stoneware Water Filter

What is The Most Basic But Still Effective DIY Water Filter That You Can Recommend?

Here are links to 2 of the most basic water filters we have, the first style is the Gravity Filters which is a stand alone system for on the bench. The second is a filter that simply connects onto your kitchen tap spout.

Ultrapure Bench Top Water Filter

Are There ‘Fake’ Filters Out There on The Market?

I would not class them as fake but yes, absolutely there are plenty of water filters with NO test results and they are commonly manufactured with very cheap components and will not do the job you require.

So How is The Water Quality in Australia Compared To The other Parts of The World?

In Europe, I believe they stopped adding Fluoride into their water supplies in the 1970s as they believe the Fluoride is dangerous for you, but here in Australia, it is still added to the drinking water supplies today.

Ultrapure Bench Top Water Filter

There are also many unknowns when it comes to what is in your tap water. The local authority can test the water before it flows to your home. But on the journey, the water travels through all sorts of old pipes etc., which can leach nasty contaminants into your water.

Once you have been consuming water with nasties like lead etc. in it for a period of time, you may never recover from that properly ever. Be aware of what you are consuming…

Water plays an important role with Aqua Bubblers to do their job effectively. If you are not using or even drinking filtered water yet, you may want to consider the above suggestions and recommendations from the water experts at My Water Filter.

Just a food for thought…

Getting into a healthy lifestyle involves a lot of factors to consider. Vaping is one to fix an unhealthy habit and water?

… Well, that’s a major component to keeping that healthy body to function properly and does a lot more to our day to day activities including our vapes’ water bubbler. 🙂

Make the right choices…




I have been vaporizing herbs for many years and working for VapeFuse in Australia and Europe. I try every vaporizer and fortunate enough to have this as part of my job. I feel like I am living the dream. I love to hear from other vapers, so always feel free to comment on my posts. Keep on vaping.

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