Should You Burn Off Your New Vaporizer Before First Use?

By Chris
Last Updated on

Should You Burn Off Your New Vaporizer Before First Use?

When you get your first vaporizer, you want to make sure you are off to a great start with your brand new exciting gadget. One of the first things that many experienced vapers will tell you is to burn off your new vape before you use it.

Others totally disagree and say that it is completely unnecessary, you should not worry about it. Most vaporizers’ user’s manual doesn’t mention anything about burning the device off so you might be wondering what you should do.

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What Does ‘Burning Off’ or ‘Burning In’ A Vaporizer Means?

‘Burning off’ or ‘burning in’ a vaporizer means that you turn on your brand new vape for a few minutes before using it for the first time, in order to ‘burn off’ any potential manufacturing residues, or residues that might have built up during warehousing and transportation.

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During this process, all of the unwanted residues have a chance to fully off-gas before you inhale through the device.

Many people argue that there should be no residue on any parts of the vapor path and burning off the device makes no difference, however, this is not the case in my experience.

When you open your brand new vape and smell into the device, you most likely can smell the ‘factory smell’ just like with any other electronics. It is a kind of ‘computer smell’ that comes from the new parts.

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This is obviously no evidence for any residue, however, I have tried using devices out of the box without burning them off and nearly every time I could clearly smell and taste something in the vapor for the first few sessions. Sometimes for only a few sessions, sometimes for many sessions, but it is nearly always there.

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Despite high-quality materials and state of the art manufacturing, it is just part of the manufacturing environment and process to introduce dust particles or oil residues on parts.

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Sometimes manufacturers may even apply certain substances to surfaces to look shinier or better on the new devices. It is not common, however burning in your brand new vape can help you to get rid of anything that could have got onto the parts until then and it also helps to release any gases from soldiers, PCB and other plastic parts that may be used throughout the device.

How do You Burn Off  Your Vaporizer?

It is only a matter of turning it on and setting it to the highest available temperature setting and let it run for 5 to 10 minutes.

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Let’s look at how you can go about burning off your new stationary or portable vaporizer.

Burning Off Your Stationary (Desktop) Vaporizer

After you plugged in your vaporizer, turn it on and set it to the highest temperature. Let it heat up and if your device has no fan, this is all you need to do. Let it sit and run on the highest temperature for a good 10 minutes to ensure it is burnt in and your chamber is well seasoned.

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If your desktop vaporizer has a fan (for assisted draw of balloon function), you can also turn the fan on so it blows the hot air through the chamber and intensifies the process.

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I don’t recommend leaving the fan on for longer than 3 to 5 minutes at a time.
Fans meant to fill a balloon and I am a bit hesitant to leave them on for longer than that. If you do leave the fan on, best is to stay near your device and monitor it.

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Burning off your Portable Vaporizer

With portable vaporizers, you can simply turn your unit on and run it on max temperature for a few sessions. Once it auto-shuts off (duration varies from brand to brand), just turn it back on and let the heater run. I usually run portable vaporizers for about 10 minutes or longer, depending on how long I can still smell the ‘new smell’ on it.

If you have any dosing capsules or liquid pads, it is best to add them to the chamber while you are burning the device off, so everything is burned off.

Have a smell of your device after 10 minutes and most likely you’ll be good to go. Sometimes you can still smell the ‘new smell’, feel free to keep going for a little longer.

It is very unlikely I would burn a device off for longer than 20 minutes, however ultimately it is up to you. If you go longer than 20 minutes, it is a good idea to stop and let the device have a rest before you keep burning it off.

What Else Can Be Done to Remove Potential Manufacturing Residues From Your Device?

The quickest and easiest way is burning your vape in, however, you can also wash any washable parts with Iso alcohol if you’d like. Not all of your parts may be washable, but it won’t hurt the ones that are. I’d still recommend to burn it off even after you wash it though.

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Here at VapeFuse, we always recommend burning your vaporizer in to make sure you are as safe as you can be. It is better to be safe than sorry and there is not much downside to it that I can think off. Yes, you are using energy only to run your vaporizer empty, however, you only do it once before the first use and it is definitely worth the effort.



I have been vaporizing herbs for many years and working for VapeFuse in Australia and Europe. I try every vaporizer and fortunate enough to have this as part of my job. I feel like I am living the dream. I love to hear from other vapers, so always feel free to comment on my posts. Keep on vaping.

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