Stop Smoking with the Help of CBD

By Nexi Miller
Last Updated on

Stop Smoking with the Help of CBD

There is no doubt that addiction is a complex issue and every person affected is different. But one thing is clear: quitting smoking is not easy.

Few people succeed without useful tips and tools. From nicotine patches and chewing gum to expensive seminars – those who want to quit smoking are spoilt for choice.

However, if you are looking for a holistic solution, you should give cannabidiol (CBD) a chance. Thanks to the many positive effects this natural remedy can have on the human body, it can be used in many ways. It can also be used to alleviate the craving for nicotine and to combat withdrawal symptoms says The CBD Insider.

What the Studies Say

CBD reduces cigarette consumption by about 40%.

A British study found that smokers treated with CBD for one week reduced the number of cigarettes smoked by about 40%. This effect persisted even several weeks after ingestion. The subjects were instructed to use a CBD inhaler whenever they felt an urge to smoke.

E-Liquids are best suited for inhaling CBD. They are available in different flavours.

Another study concluded that CBD reduces desire and anxiety in heroin addicts, suggesting a potential role in breaking the addiction cycle.

CBD is not psychoactive, intoxicating or addictive.

Why is it so difficult to give up smoking?

Stop smoking with CBD

Addiction is not addiction. In general, a distinction is made between physical and psychological dependence.

In the case of physical dependence, the body gets used to the addictive substance over time. This means that it forms a tolerance. If the drug is discontinued, withdrawal symptoms occur.

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Psychological dependence, on the other hand, does not lead to habituation. That is why there are no withdrawal symptoms. Because the addiction exists only “in the head” of the person concerned. But it should not be taken less seriously.

On the contrary, the overpowering desire to retake the substance is to be attributed to psychological addiction. In the long run, it is the biggest hurdle.

CBD in Smoking and Alcoholism

Smokers have to struggle with both types of addiction. Smoking becomes an important part of everyday life. Over time, the body also forms a high tolerance, so that you have to reach for cigarettes more and more often. And if you stop taking nicotine, you can expect withdrawal symptoms.

Upset person

Withdrawal symptoms when smoking is stopped include:

  • desire to smoke,
  • nervousness, trembling,
  • increased irritability and frustration,
  • sleep disorders,
  • increased appetite,
  • digestive problems and
  • bad mood.

How CBD Helps with the Withdrawal Phase

While CBD’s therapeutic effects are still being researched, according to existing studies it has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic and anti-nausea effects. It is therefore not surprising that it is increasingly used to relieve nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

CBD reduces the amount of stress hormones and therefore the urge to use drugs. It works against pain and anxiety. Users also report better well-being, lower appetite, better sleep, inner peace and balance. In addition, many report better management of everyday stress.

CBD can also have a calming and relaxing effect on nervousness, which can be felt before an important appointment or a public appearance. This is another reason why it has the potential to completely replace tobacco cigarettes.

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Smoking CBD Instead of Cigarettes?

Users who succeed in using CBD products to stop smoking most often use CBD liquid as a cigarette substitute. Very often in combination with a daily dose of CBD oil.

According to Greenpassion, you could start with a smaller dosage, and then gradually increase it. Generally speaking, 1-5 drops of 5% CBD oil is recommended to be taken daily to improve overall well being and curb nicotine cravings.

vaping CBD

CBD Liquid is a liquid that can be used for vaporizing in vaporizers, e-cigarettes or pen vaporizers (vape pens). Through evaporation and inhalation, the CBD enters directly into the bloodstream and can, therefore, unfold its positive effects very quickly.

Because it contains no tobacco or tar, it is a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes.

Other tips

1. Don’t make any exceptions. Never stick to “only one” cigarette.
2. Identify your “trigger” situations where you most often feel the need to smoke a cigarette.
3. Take part in regular sports and hobbies that give you pleasure.
4. Reward yourself for smoke-free days, weeks and months.
5. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and for your health.

Nexi Miller

Nexi Miller

I am passionate about vaporizers, vaping lifestyle and travelling. Always up for a good laugh and aiming to look at things from their fun and bright side. Let's Share The Vaping Love Together :)

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