Vaping with an Atomizer: Fundamental Vaping Do’s and Don’ts

By Matt
Last Updated on

Vaping with an Atomizer: Fundamental Vaping Do’s and Don’ts

Atomizers are as important to vaping as the vaporizer itself! Having a malfunctioning atomizer can result in a lack of visible vapor and reduced flavor. As well as possibly compromising the usability of your vape!

If you’re looking at purchasing a mod box vaporizer, a wax pen or an eRig for all of your concentrate needs, you’re going to be dealing with an atomizer.

So what are atomizers? And how do they work?

Vaporizer Coil Atomizer

Coil Atomizers

Like a traditional eCigarette or modular vaporizer, many concentrate vapes come equipped with a simple heating coil for vaporizing all of your viscous substances.

A coil is a very effective heating method as it requires little battery life and little maintenance. However, in contrast to some of our other atomizers, it isn’t as effective at evenly vaping your concentrate mix.

CloudV Wax pens

Devices like the CloudV Platinum and Platinum Mini pictured above utilize a super simple method of vaporization. That is a singular titanium coil heating your glob of concentrate to create vapor.

These models are actually super effective, as the chamber wall that surrounds the coil is constructed from ceramic, which heats with the coil and assists in creating a more even vaping experience.

CloudV Platinum vaporizer with glass globe atomizer

As these coils reach such absurdly high temperatures, the vapor produced can sometimes be quite harsh. This is due to the unregulated temp-control which at any time can sit between 300°C (570°F) and 500°C (930°F).

With the addition of the globe atomizer, the vapor path is extended, subsequently cooling the concentrate vapor before it hits your lips.

Xmax Wax Vaporizer Atomizers

The CloudV Platinum and Platinum Mini are awesome little wax pens for concerts and festivals. But the technology utilized in their production has since been improved to become more efficient and economical.

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Vape pens like the X Max Stark and X Max V-One Plus pictured above have both been fitted with an optimized atomizer for even concentrate vaporization and amazing flavor!

Dual Rod Atomizer - Xmax Stark

Dual-Rod Atomizer

The X Max Stark comes equipped with a quartz-and-titanium dual-rod atomizer for all of your waxy needs. A dual-rod or dual-coil is a lot more effective in vaping your blend. This is due to the large surface area the coils cover.

With a full quartz interior, the Stark has an amazing flavor profile. In my opinion, it is one of the cleanest wax hits you’re likely to come across.

As the titanium coils that wrap around the quartz rods heat up, so too the rods and chamber, which all work in unison to bubble away your terpy blend!

Donut Atomizer

Donut Atomizer

If you’re looking for a vape pen that’ll match the vapor experience of a traditional dab, a ceramic donut atomizer is going to be your best bet!

A donut atomizer is a ceramic ring on a ceramic plate, generally inside a ceramic or quartz chamber. They are super-efficient in evenly vaping your concentrates and generate a super-pure vapor.

Vaping on Dab Pen

The X Max V-One Plus comes equipped with a deep embedded ceramic chamber with a ceramic donut atomizer that is a super economical way to vape your dabs. These low temp hits are unlike anything you’ll get from a coil.

Whereas a coil will take under a second to reach the desired temp, the donut atomizer takes a bit longer. Meaning that you’ve got a bit more control over the temperature you’ll be dabbing at.

eNail Atomizer

eNail Atomizer

If you really want to recreate the dabbing experience without the use of a torch or expensive glass piece, eNails might be for you. eRig’s like the CloudV ElectroMini or Dr. Dabber Boost pictured above come equipped with an eNail atomizer that basically mimics a traditional nail.

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These nails are flat pieces of heat-resistant material that act as a heating plate for your blend of concentrates.

eNail Atomizer Nails

The ceramic and quartz nails pictured above come with the Dr. Dabber Boost and allow you to alternate your vaping experience based on your desired material.

Ceramic heats super evenly and is used in most portable devices as a chamber material. The vapor it generates is sweet and pure, but when the nail becomes resiny flavor can be affected.

Quartz is my go-to dabbing material. You’ll love the flavor your quartz nail generates, and they’re the easiest to clean and maintain.

Dabbing with CloudV ElectroMini

The CloudV ElectroMini I’m dabbing on above comes with both a quartz and titanium atomizer which screws directly into the battery.

Titanium is also a pretty common component to make atomizers from due to its heat retention and structure. It’s far easier to shape than quartz or ceramic, however, I feel it leaves a residual flavor.

Wax residue on enail atomizer

Proper care and maintenance are crucial when dealing with atomizers, as the residual concentrate builds up quite quickly and will definitely affect the flavor of your vapor.

A full guide on how to properly clean and maintain your vaporizer and atomizer can be found on the VapeFuse blog.

Dab pens and wax vaporziers

Check out our huge range of wax pens and concentrate vapes in the VapeFuse online store!



Hey! I'm Matt, I've been a member of the VapeFuse family since July 2017 and am passionate about providing customers with the highest quality vapes that are going to revolutionise the way they look at consuming herbs. Aside from vaping, I love reading and travelling and have spent a bunch of time over in Europe learning about the herb we all know and love. I'll be keeping you up to date with the latest vape news and content, drop me a line if you have a story you want to share.

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