5 Things You Should Look For in Your Next Vape Pen

By Emily
Last Updated on

5 Things You Should Look For in Your Next Vape Pen

Some of you may be more than content to stick with the same vape pen for years, waiting until it’s completely unusable before replacing it. But for others, looking for new pens is a much more regular activity.

Whether you’re tired of your existing vape pen, need to replace a broken one or have never bought one before, there are some key things you need to consider before making your purchase.

Here are just 5 of them:

1. What Product Can You Vape With it?

If you’ve only been vaping e-liquid, why not look for a vape pen that offers you something different? You could look into dry herb pens which take the form of a standard vape pen, or a portable vaporizer which provides a more advanced way of consuming your dry herb.

FocusVape Adventurer Portable Vaporizer

Look at vape pens for wax if you prefer concentrates to flower. If this is new to you, this 2017 guide on wax vape pens may help.

2. Battery Life

The upside to vaping over smoking is that you don’t have to light up a new cigarette every time you want a fix, you simply have to turn on your device and vape away. But, the downside is that your device can soon run out of the charge if you’re using it regularly.

The battery life of your device primarily depends on the brand and model you’re using. Smaller vape pens typically have a smaller battery life, whereas the bigger (and more expensive) pens will have a much greater one.

If you’re browsing products, compare the mAh (milliamp hours) of each device and look for pens with the highest numbers. This is the same across wax vape pens and standard e-liquid pens.

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Focusvape Portable Vaporizer BatteryFocusVape Premium Portable Vaporizer

3. Portable or Desktop?

If you own a portable vaporizer but rarely use it, is there really any point in buying another one? You’d be much better off with a desktop vaporizer that stays in the home.

Desktop devices are much larger in size, which is why they can’t be travelled with. They do have some advantages though, as you can blow much bigger clouds of smoke with them and a group of you can share it for a home session.

However, if you’re going to be using your vaporizer constantly and want something that’s portable, a portable vaporizer is obviously the right choice for you. These units are also a lot cheaper, making them an ideal first choice for beginner vapers.

Portable Vaporizers

4. Is it Popular?

Popularity may be one of the last things on your mind when looking for a vape pen, but other people’s opinions should always be considered. Don’t go for a lesser known product just because you want to be more unique or want to try something different, only buy it if you’re sure it will be a quality product.

CloudV Phantom Mini and Phantom Premium Vape Pen

If your friends are vapers, ask them for their recommendations. Alternatively, you can browse through online comparison guides and read the reviews of the products you’re interested in. If no-one is talking about a particular product, it’s for a reason.

5. What Can Your Budget Accommodate to?

When looking for a new vape pen, you need to consider the price. If your budget is low, then your options are going to be more limited. Cheaper pens are going to be of lower quality and won’t last as long, meaning you’ll soon be back to square one and will be replacing it again.

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If you can, try not to purchase anything that’s cheaper than $50. The best products will be around $100. These will be a lot more powerful and durable, making it a worthwhile investment. You can also keep your eye out for deals and discounts, so you may be able to get a high-end product for a pretty reasonable price.

CloudV Phantom MiniCloudV Phantom Mini Vape Pen

These are just 5 of the key things to consider when purchasing a new vape pen,  but you may have other specifications that will factor into your decision.

Ultimately, you’re going to be carrying your pen (unless you opt for a desktop) around with you day to day, so pay attention to the aesthetics as well.

If you follow this guidance and put time into your search, you’ll have a much more positive vaping experience.



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